
What Is It? Side Hustle or Business

What Is It? Side Hustle or Business

So, you are looking to get into a side hustle or maybe you want to start a business. But what the heck does that mean and what is the difference? Before you begin, you should be aware that they are very different things. Now, both can be great ways to earn money. But...

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The Client Journey: 101

The Client Journey: 101

Are your Clients Walking a Rocky Path or a Smooth and Safe One: The Clients Journey I have a question for you this week….. what’s it like being your client? Sounds like a strange question, but its one of the most important ones you can ask as a business owner and it...

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Differentiation vs Distinctiveness

Differentiation vs Distinctiveness

This week I want to talk with you about brand distinctiveness vs brand differentiation. Seems like the same thing right? You look up the word distinctive and the word different in the dictionary and they are synonyms for each other. But in the world of brand...

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BBB Warning About Scammers

BBB Warning About Scammers

Today, I'm gonna talk about a giant pain in the rear, Scammers. We’ve all gotten the ‘do you wanna buy car insurance’ calls through the years. But, scammers are getting more sophisticated as time goes on. Now they are using social media to target us. But, this isn't...

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AI in Mental Health

AI in Mental Health

*(Please see bottom of article for free Mental Health Hotline Numbers available to help you, if you are in need)* AI, AI, AI...its all anyone in the tech world can seem to talk about. But, its not just affecting technology these days. It is now creeping its way into...

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